Saturday, July 20, 2013

Church of Scientology Community News: A Pilgrimage for Jobs, Equity and Fairness

The Nashville Church of Scientology supports the good works of others. Today’s highlight: the upcoming pilgrimage being organized to promote jobs, equity and fairness.

The Pilgrimage for Jobs, Equity, and Fairness intends to bring attention to Nashville’s forgotten and disinherited communities. It is planned for July 21-23 and will be a 2 ½ day walk through distressed communities in Nashville. The pilgrimage is being modeled after Gandhi’s Salt March and the Selma to Montgomery March in 1965.

According to the Facebook page for the event, “the Pilgrimage attempts to draw attention to unemployment and poverty, and the urgent need to do something about these crises.”

Organizers are asking that the Nashville Mayor and Metro Council adopt a county-wide program to require that large developers hire residents from low-income communities to work on publicly-funded projects. The Pilgrimage will highlight the concerns of public housing residents, residents with HIV/AIDS, immigrant workers, labor, youth and other groups.

Those planning to participate will walk 22 miles, documenting anti-poverty programs coordinated by community groups. Some participants will be permanent marchers who will walk the entire route through 12-14 neighborhoods and spend the night in those communities, while other participants are temporary marchers who will only walk part of the route.

Activities will be kicked off with a press conference at Martin Luther King, Jr. Bridge in North Nashville on July 21 at 4pm and will end on July 23 at 4:30pm with another press conference, held at 1 Public Square.

The event is sponsored by the Economic & Equity Development Coalition, the Nonviolent Resistance Movement and Social Justice Committee, the Urban EpiCenter, and the Tennessee NAACP State Labor & Industry Committee.  For more information or to see daily updates of the pilgrimage, visit

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