Thursday, January 10, 2019

2018 Year in Review - Religion Communicators Council, Nashville Chapter

The Religion Communicators Council is an interfaith communications organization working to promote peace and fellowship while spreading the good news.

The longest running interfaith communications organization in the United States, the Religion Communicators Council (RCC), has chapters across the country that meet regularly and promote “excellence in the communication of religious faith and values in the public arena and encourage understanding among religious and faith groups,” according to the RCC website.

In Nashville, the RCC Chapter meets every other month to promote its ideals through conversations about what is in the news and how to spread more religious messages – the good news—a tradition that began this year. “People of faith have influence,” says Board Member of the Nashville Chapter, Julie Brinker, who also does community relations with the Church of Scientology, “We all need to step out and speak up because the good news, of which there is an abundance, tends to be overshadowed.”

The chapter had a busy year, hearing from religion reporters to video producers. The first meeting was with Holly Meyer of the Tennessean, who gave the group tips on best practices for religious reporting. Next, RCC heard from Adovcate Market Research who showcased innovative ways to help know one’s audience so a message can truly get across.

The following month, the chapter heard from Sophia Agtarap of Vanderbilt Divinity School who specializes in storytelling in digital media. After that, members were treated to a discussion on video production and how this helps communicate a message in today’s world.

To round out the year, Lori Whitbey of Schneider Electric, gave a talk about strategic marketing to make it easy and an approachable subject.

Nashville’s RCC chapter is preparing for an even greater 2019 with engaging meeting topics and professional development presentations. RCC is open to members from all denominations, and the Nashville group includes Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Scientologists, Hindus and more.  For further information about the RCC or their next meeting, visit

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