Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Church of Scientology Nashville Holds Special Sunday Service to Commemorate Religious Freedom Day

The Church of Scientology Nashville held a special service to observe Religious Freedom Day.

“Without freedom of religion, or freedom of thought, freedom itself cannot exist,” says Rev. Brian Fesler, pastor of the Nashville Church of Scientology. Rev. Fesler is always out in the Nashville community, involved in interfaith services and activities, and just recently held a special Sunday Service to observe International Religious Freedom Day.

“We’ve always opened our doors to anyone who is curious about us to help them understand. That is truly what Scientology is all about: understanding,” says Rev. Fesler.

International Religious Freedom Day (October 27) recognizes the passing of the Religious Freedom Act of 1998, which established the office of the United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom and highlighted America’s responsibility to the world in guaranteeing Human Right #18, Freedom of Thought and Belief.

To observe the day, the Church of Scientology Nashville invited a religious studies class to come to Sunday Service, have a tour of the church, and get their questions answered.

The Nashville Church has hosted numerous tours since it opened in the historic Fall School. Built in 1898 in a similar style to the city’s iconic Ryman Auditorium, the 36,000-square-foot Church served the area as a public school until 1970. Many original features were preserved, including the hardwood floors, doors and stairwells and eight solid wood pillars capped with iron that support a central three-story atrium.

Those arranging to visit may wish to attend the Church’s Sunday service, consisting of a reading of the Creed of the Church of Scientology, a sermon based on the writings of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard or the playing of one of his recorded lectures, and the ministration of Scientology spiritual counseling in which all attending participate.

A highlight of the tour for many is the opportunity to “see a thought” with a demonstration of how the E-Meter registers and shows the changes in mental state of the individual.

For more information on the Church of Scientology, its programs and community involvement, or to arrange for a tour or seminar, visit

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