Thursday, June 18, 2020

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Tours Dismas House

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications.  

The Religion Communicators Council (RCC) is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, marketing and public relations. The Nashville Chapter meets monthly at rotating locations to learn about other faith traditions, learn from fellow communicators and gain professional development opportunities.

In early June, RCC Nashville members held their first in person gathering since the COVID outbreak with a tour of Dismas House, which has the mission to “foster community awareness and understanding of the challenges and obstacles formerly incarcerated men face upon reentry by providing a system for personal transformation and growth as they transition back into society,” according to its website. Dismas House operates under the slogan “Dismas is Family,” and welcomes each person into their space as a new member of the Dismas Family, helping all who are under their care so they can make a return to society after incarceration.

“Dismas is doing wonderful things for the community and we were so excited to visit and see their beautiful new facility in person,” says Julie Brinker, Communications Coordinator for the RCC Nashville chapter.

The RCC has members from every faith group and walk of life including Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Scientologists, Sikhs, Hindus and more. The RCC, founded in 1929, is an association of communications professionals who work for and with a diverse group of faith-based organizations in the areas of communications, public relations, advertising and development.

The RCC provides opportunities for communicators to learn from each other. Together, RCC members promote excellence in the communication of faith and values in the public arena. For more information about the Religion Communicators Council, visit

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