Divers women of faith are joining together to celebrate International Women’s Day. This is “a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities,” according to un.org.
Happening at the Islamic Center of Tennessee, the event is being called “Sorority of Eman (Faith): Deriving Direction, Inspiration and Strength for Today from the Women of Yesterday,” and will be held on March 8, 2018 from 6-8pm. The event will include a panel discussion with women of faith on how one can derive direction, inspiration and strength from their lives. This is the first event in a series called “Daughters of Eve,” which brings women from various faith traditions together to foster mutual respect and understanding through discussion, shared goals, breaking bread and community service.
Panelists for the Women’s Day event include the Rev. Carol Cavin-Dillon, Pastor at West End United Methodist Church; Carol Grady Mansour, Member of Baha'is of Middle Tennessee; Sarah Levine, Cantor at West End Synagogue; and Aisha Lbhalla, Founder of The Muslim Women's Council. The event will be emceed by Julie Brinker, Director of Community Relations for the Church of Scientology.
A truly interfaith and interactive experience, the event will also include a demonstration on self-defense, a Henna tattooist, spoken word artists, and the Faith in Action Awards which are being presented to incredible women from each faith tradition who are all working for a better community.
“Sorority of Eman” is being organized by the Muslim Women’s Council, an organization which brings cultural awareness of Islam and Muslims to the public by providing accurate information on Islamic practices and beliefs with a purpose to correct misunderstandings and stereotypes particularly those about Muslim women. MWC addresses some of the education, social and personal development needs of women as well as engages in interfaith cooperation, cultural competency training and collaborates with those outside of the Muslim community in order to make a healthy, vibrant, inclusive community for all.
The event takes place Thursday, March 8, 2018, from 6:00 – 8:00pm at the Islamic Center of Tennessee in Antioch. For more information, visit the event Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/388007201661100/.
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