2017 saw the expansion of The Way to Happiness
Association of Tennessee, the local chapter of The Way To Happiness Foundation.
The Way to Happiness, a book written by
humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1980s, is comprised of 21 precepts,
each one predicated on the fact that one’s survival depends on the survival of
others—and that without the survival of others, neither joy nor happiness are attainable.
In the three decades since it was authored, more than 115 million copies of the
book passed hand to hand, thus inspiring the international movement which is
spreading throughout Nashville, TN.
Volunteers for The Way to Happiness Association of Tennessee
(TWTH-TN) began the year by creating an action plan to visit specific
neighborhoods in the Nashville area, as it has been proven that when this
booklet is distributed in a specific zone or area, crime in that area then
For World Interfaith Harmony Day, a large gathering was organized
to promote peace and mutual respect among religious peoples, with many
religious and interfaith leaders participating.
To honor World Environment Day, volunteers followed up on an
action promise to clean up the city from last year’s “It’s Your City – Green It
Up” event and took to the streets even with inclement weather in the forecast.
Next, TWTH-TN was at a local Father’s Day celebration distributing
booklets and speaking with people about why it is important to “Honor and Help
Your Parents,” as one of the precepts in the booklet mandates.
For International Friendship Day, TWTH-TN worked with the
Nashville Church of Scientology to organize a large event to bring people
together. A diverse crowd joined together to learn about one another and forge
true friendships by taking part in guided dialogue.
In October, volunteers were welcomed to the twentieth annual
Intertribal Powwow hosted each year by the Native Cultural Circle (NCC) of
Clarksville. There, they distributed hundreds of booklets to Native Americans
and others attending.
TWTH-TN is making a true impact across Tennessee and reaching
other parts of the world. To learn more about the program, or to order copies
of The Way to Happiness booklet, visit twthtn.org.
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