The Religion Communicators
Council is an interfaith communications organization working to promote peace
and fellowship while spreading the good news.
The longest running interfaith communications organization in the
United States, the Religion Communicators Council (RCC), has chapters across
the country that meet regularly and promote “excellence in the communication of
religious faith and values in the public arena and encourage understanding
among religious and faith groups,” according to the RCC website.
In Nashville, the RCC Chapter meets every other month to promote its
ideals through conversations about what is in the news and how to spread more religious
messages – the good news—a tradition that began in 2015.
“People of faith have influence,” says president of the Nashville
Chapter, Rev. Brian Fesler, who also pastors the Church of Scientology, “We all
need to step out and speak up because the good news, of which there is an
abundance, tends to be overshadowed.”
The chapter began the year with a visit to the Nashville Church of
Scientology. The hot news of the day had the group looking at an issue where a
denomination that earlier supported the right to choice is now seeking an end
to legal abortion. Members had to answer the question: how can it be that a
denomination can turn 180 degrees on such a basic issue?
The next meeting took place at the Baha'i Faith Community Center where
RCC members took a look at the role of women in religion. Each person discussed
how their faith tradition has honored women or spoke of the women of great
influence on their faith, then went further into discussing women of influence
in other faith traditions that were not represented, such as women founders of
more modern religions.
In July, the chapter met at the Islamic Center of Tennessee. The recent
news of violence in the United States began the conversation for this meeting,
but as each person put their deep-seated beliefs on the table, hope became the
In September, the group met for breakfast at Weigh Down Ministries, the
church offices for the Remnant Fellowship Church in Franklin, TN. According to its website,, it is “an international community of people who are
finding renewed hope, profound love and deep purpose by putting the undiluted
teachings of Jesus Christ into practice…” During the meeting President Fesler
had attendees discuss this year’s presidential candidates, however, required
them to find something good to say about each. They next discussed how to
spread these good messages further out into the community by setting a good
To finish out the year, the chapter met at United Methodist
Communications where they discussed the election and where the religious
community will go from there into 2017.
RCC is open to members from all denominations, and the Nashville group
includes Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Scientologists, Hindus and
more. For more information about the RCC
or their next meeting, visit
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