Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Way to Happiness Association Prepares for ‘Green It Up’ Event

The Way to Happiness Association is observing World Environment Day on June 2nd with a networking meeting on behalf of the environment.

It’s Your City – Green It Up. This is the slogan for an upcoming meeting planned for World Environment Day, organized by the Way to Happiness Association of Tennessee.

The Way to Happiness Association wants this event to bring people together who care about the environment so they can connect and can do bigger things. The Way to Happiness Association was formed around the book The Way To Happiness, written by humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard.

The Way to Happiness is filled with twenty-one precepts based on the fact that one’s survival depends on the survival of others. One of these precepts is “Safeguard and Improve the Environment,” which takes to heart the care for the planet. In applying this precept, the local Association has organized cleanup projects of all sorts, and now the local chapter wants to branch out and include all environmental organizations in a discussion to make an even bigger impact.

World Environment Day occurs each year on June 5th and is celebrated by the United Nations. “Green It Up” will take place during the week, on June 2nd.

Last year, the worldwide theme for the day was “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.” According to, World Environment Day “…has grown to be a broad, global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated by stakeholders in over 100 countries. It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet.”

For more information on “Green It Up,” or if you would like to participate, send an email to

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