Thursday, October 15, 2015

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Announces Upcoming Breakfast Meeting

The longest running interfaith communications organization in the United States, the Religion Communicators Council (RCC), has chapters across the country that meet regularly and promote “excellence in the communication of religious faith and values in the public arena and encourage understanding among religious and faith groups,” according to the RCC website. 

In Nashville, the RCC Chapter has shifted the style of meetings to maintain the organization’s historic integrity while adjusting to 21st century ideals.

In September, the chapter met with open dialogue and communication among members about hot topics and current events. The group discussed exactly how clergy should and should not be involved in political processes, citing the recent editorial in the Tennessean by Rev. John Faison of Watson Grove Missionary Baptist Church where he spoke to how his church is not for sale and how his support for a mayoral candidate is also not for sale.

The next meeting will be on November 10th at the Islamic Center of Nashville.

According to the President of the Nashville Chapter, Rev. Brian Fesler who also Pastors the Nashville Church of Scientology, the chapter meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every other month during breakfast. “The concept for these meetings is to bring diverse people together to dialogue about hot topics and how we can unite to bring more inspiration and good news to the world,” he said.

The RCC has members from every faith group and walk of life including Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Scientologists, and more. For more information about the RCC or their next meeting, visit

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