Thursday, April 10, 2014

85 Years for the Religion Communicators Council Celebrated in Nashville, TN

The Religion Communicators Council recently held its 85th annual convention in Nashville, TN.

Religion Communicators Council (RCC) members traveled from across the United States to arrive in Music City USA this year to celebrate communications of many faith traditions at its annual convention and 85th anniversary. Hosted by the Inn at Opryland, the event offered exciting plenary speakers, challenging workshops and awards to secular and faith-based organizations for exceptional work communicating faith issues.

The planning for the 85th convention was led by Rev. Brian Fesler, Nashville chapter president and pastor of the Church of Scientology. Rev. Fesler says, “We were very happy with the convention.  The speakers were enlightening, the guests had a great time.”

The opening session featured Remziya Suleyman with American Center for Outreach, who provided a moving and informative look into the Role of Religious Communication in Public Advocacy by sharing her own experience in the field. Plenary sessions also featured speakers Rev. Larry Hollon of United Methodist Communications, Dr. Sybril Bennett of Belmont University in Nashville, Rev. Michael Waters of Joy Tabernacle AME Church in Dallas, and Sarah Wilke, Publisher of the Upper Room Ministries.

Workshops featured professional development, communication in a digital age, and interfaith communication. Speakers included Daoud Abudiab with the Islamic Center of Columbia, Bob Smietana formerly with the Tennessean newspaper, D. Greg Droubay with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many more.

A special celebration was held in honor of the 85th anniversary of the RCC where a brief history of the organization was shown, and the dates and place of the 2015 RCC Convention were announced: April 9-11 in Washington, D.C.

The Religion Communicators Council (RCC), founded in 1929, is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, marketing and in public relations. Members of the RCC come from many different religions and backgrounds including Christianity, Judaism, Baha’i, Hinduism, Scientology, Buddhist, Sikh and Islam among others.

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