Thursday, April 24, 2014

Regi Wooten ‘The Teacher’ Encourages Up-And-Coming Musicians at Church of Scientology

The Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville was proud to host Regi Wooten for his “My Approach to Music” seminar on April 5th.

The Church of Scientology recently hosted the oldest of the Wooten Brothers, Regi, for a seminar about his approach to delivering a great performance.

Regi Wooten’s signature guitar style of chording, slapping, tapping and frenzied strumming has earned him world-wide notoriety and comparisons to Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa and Chuck Berry, according to He is known worldwide as “The Teacher,” and currently teaches music in Nashville, TN.  He was teaching his little brothers Joseph and Victor when he was only 9 years old. 

Regi has played alongside his brothers since they were young, and for over four decades the Wooten Brothers have been recognized as some of the most innovative musicians in existence. The brothers have been a musical tour-de-force redefining the limits of jazz, funk, soul, R&B, rock and bluegrass. Their early years were spent living in different states including Hawaii, California, and Virginia where they shared stages with Curtis Mayfield, The Temptations, Ramsey Lewis, Stephanie Mills, War and other artists. In the mid 1980s, the brothers released an album as The Wootens for Clive Davis’ Arista Records. 

The seminar provided inspiration to many Nashville artists. One attendee, Elle Boone, said, “The one thing he said that really hit home for me was, ‘You can't create your own identity without putting in the time.’ That really resonated with me.”

Just after the seminar, Wooten led everyone in a jam session which Boone described as, “…being in a room with so many other artists of different backgrounds, cultures, and ages, most complete strangers to one another, yet remarkably familiar once the music began.”   

Wooten says, “The key is to have fun. So keep your music fun-key.” 

For more information about upcoming seminars for musicians at the Church of Scientology, call 615-687-4600. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Way to Happiness Foundation Celebrates Earth Day

Nashville’s Earth Day Celebration at Centennial Park was a family day of eco-friendly activities and information. Many groups were able to participate including The Way to Happiness Foundation.

When Earth Day began in 1970, it was the spark of a movement for the environment. Today, there are numerous groundbreaking laws focused on care of the Earth and making it more livable. “More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world,” according to

The Nashville Chapter of The Way to Happiness Foundation (TWTH) was happy to partake in the festivities and excitement at the Earth Day Celebration in Nashville, TN on April 19th.  “We are reaching out to people to show them ways to improve their lives and the lives of others around them. That is what The Way to Happiness is all about.” says Rev. Brian Fesler, who coordinates the Nashville TWTH chapter.

TWTH was officially launched in Nashville in the Summer of 2009. An international organization, The Way to Happiness Foundation is based on the book of the same title by L. Ron Hubbard which was written in 1981. The book covers twenty-one precepts to better survival in today’s world, such as “Don’t Do Anything Illegal” and “Take Care of Yourself.” 

There are two precepts in the book that apply specifically to events such as Earth Day. These are “Set a Good Example” and “Safeguard and Improve Your Environment.” The first is quite clear. The second goes into more detail: “The idea that one has a share in the planet and that one can and should help care for it may seem very large and, to some, quite beyond reality. But today what happens on the other side of the world, even so far away, can effect what happens in your own home.”

For more information on the Earth Day festival, visit For more information on The Way to Happiness, visit 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Art Exhibit Helps Fund Humanitarian Programs

Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville hosts exhibit of artist Lucille Femine; proceeds to help fund Church-supported humanitarian programs.

Throughout the month of March, the Church of Scientology & Celebrity Center Nashville, located at 1130 8th Avenue South, hosted an exhibit of the paintings of artist Lucille Femine.

Femine’s watercolors and acrylic paintings, many set in New York where the artist grew up and raised her family, reflect her positive outlook in life.

As she says on her website, “I find that the degree of pleasure I get from a painting determines, pretty precisely, the pleasure others derive from it.”

The Artists Run This Planet blog describes Femine’s ability to “transform a subject into something more magical by finding the life in it” and “communicate a brightness about life that projects itself through both vibrant and subtle colors.”

The Nashville-based artist is donating a portion of the proceeds to humanitarian programs supported by the Church of Scientology.

The Church of Scientology & Celebrity Centre is located at 1130 8th Avenue South in Nashville. The Church is open Monday- Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Less than a mile from Music Row, this unique Scientology Church not only serves parishioners from throughout the South, but it also serves as a spiritual haven for Nashville’s artists in keeping with Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s views of the role of the artist: “A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists.”

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Musical Cabaret Night Hosted by Church of Scientology Entertains Theatre-Goers

The Church of Scientology is hosting a new series of events in its community room: cabaret theatre intermingled with the world of the Nashville writer’s night.

Arranged by Jaz Dorsey of the Actors Reading Room, the event featured guest artists Mallory Gleason Mundy, a veteran Broadway actress, choreographer and dance instructor and David Huntsinger, a pianist, composer, songwriter and arranger.

There was a special guest appearance by Melissa Silengo, a theatre actress who has performed at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, Z. Alexander Looby Theatre, The Building, Nashville Dinner Theatre and others.

Corinne Sullivan, president of the church, says, “We offer our space as a service to the community for meetings, musicals, writers’ nights, seminars and more.” Sullivan went on to say, “We have a special interest in the arts. [Founder of the Church of Scientology] L. Ron Hubbard cared deeply about the artists in society as they are the ones who will uplift the culture.”

“We were happy to host this night of theatre, music and fun,” says Rev. Brian Fesler, pastor of the church.  “We have a commitment to the artists and creative people of Nashville.” 

The next event of this kind will be held in May. For more information on upcoming events at the church, call 615-687-4600. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

85 Years for the Religion Communicators Council Celebrated in Nashville, TN

The Religion Communicators Council recently held its 85th annual convention in Nashville, TN.

Religion Communicators Council (RCC) members traveled from across the United States to arrive in Music City USA this year to celebrate communications of many faith traditions at its annual convention and 85th anniversary. Hosted by the Inn at Opryland, the event offered exciting plenary speakers, challenging workshops and awards to secular and faith-based organizations for exceptional work communicating faith issues.

The planning for the 85th convention was led by Rev. Brian Fesler, Nashville chapter president and pastor of the Church of Scientology. Rev. Fesler says, “We were very happy with the convention.  The speakers were enlightening, the guests had a great time.”

The opening session featured Remziya Suleyman with American Center for Outreach, who provided a moving and informative look into the Role of Religious Communication in Public Advocacy by sharing her own experience in the field. Plenary sessions also featured speakers Rev. Larry Hollon of United Methodist Communications, Dr. Sybril Bennett of Belmont University in Nashville, Rev. Michael Waters of Joy Tabernacle AME Church in Dallas, and Sarah Wilke, Publisher of the Upper Room Ministries.

Workshops featured professional development, communication in a digital age, and interfaith communication. Speakers included Daoud Abudiab with the Islamic Center of Columbia, Bob Smietana formerly with the Tennessean newspaper, D. Greg Droubay with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many more.

A special celebration was held in honor of the 85th anniversary of the RCC where a brief history of the organization was shown, and the dates and place of the 2015 RCC Convention were announced: April 9-11 in Washington, D.C.

The Religion Communicators Council (RCC), founded in 1929, is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, marketing and in public relations. Members of the RCC come from many different religions and backgrounds including Christianity, Judaism, Baha’i, Hinduism, Scientology, Buddhist, Sikh and Islam among others.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Church of Scientology Hosts Forming Entrepreneurs Club

The Entrepreneurs Club is a newly formed group of businessmen and women dedicated to helping one another succeed.

Since its recent inception, the Entrepreneurs Club has been meeting weekly at the Church of Scientology where members share updates on business success and strategies and motivate each other to expand. Working together, they are utilizing tools from the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE).

According to its website, the goal of WISE is “an ethical, sane and prosperous civilization. Through our work, we are returning to business the values and ethical standards upon which it was founded: honesty, integrity, craftsmanship, rewards for productivity, commitment to the prosperity of entire communities and nations.”

At each meeting, members discuss various organizational situations. Then, they work out solutions using references on business and administrative success by L. Ron Hubbard. 

"I think it's important to be a part of something that pushes you to organize your company greater than you would ever do on your own," says Dan Maddox, owner of bottled water distributor Real Water and deputy chairman of the Entrepreneurs Club.

Maddox continues, "In today's day and age, people are looking for answers. For me, the Entrepreneurs Club is an answer for business owners. There are some that exist which operate like social clubs. Last year I joined a prestigious group and discovered it was more about gatherings and drinks than actual business, helpful advice and workable management technology.   So the Entrepreneurs Club is for people who want to meet with fellow business people and get real help in business."

For more information about L. Ron Hubbard’s management technology, visit To learn more about the Church of Scientology or its activities, visit

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hubbard Dianetics Seminar Helps People Deal with Stress

The Hubbard Dianetics Seminar, offered by the Nashville Church of Scientology each weekend, has been revamped and is giving people answers to stress that they could never find before.

In 2009, the Dianetics Seminar was released on an international scale with new audio-visual components that not only make it easy to understand and apply, but break down to such an ease that all one has to do is watch.

Nashville’s Church of Scientology has offered the seminar each weekend since that time with rave success.

“It’s not so easy any more to find real help,” says Rev. Brian Fesler, pastor of the Nashville Church of Scientology.  “The Internet is flooded with offers that don’t live up to the promise.  People are betrayed by ‘professionals’ who take their insurance money and send them away.  It’s time for someone with real answers and effective results to step up to the plate.  That’s why we’re here.”

The Church in Nashville has launched an awareness campaign to let Middle Tennesseans know the seminar is open to the public.  According to the book What Is Scientology?, the Church of Scientology is “all-denominational” and members are free to attend any church, synagogue, mosque or other place of worship of their choice while also taking classes or attending the seminars. 

The Hubbard Dianetics Seminar is based on the bestselling self-help book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and takes just a weekend to complete.  It features the video series “How to Use Dianetics,” consisting of 18 short films which illustrate specific Dianetics principles and techniques. In the seminar, attendees learn how the mind contains a hidden influence that will cause individuals to feel grief and pain long after the reasons for which they first arose.

“People are getting amazing results at this seminar.  And what’s more, they have skills they can continue to use at home and with friends and family,” says Fesler.   

The two-day Dianetics seminar is offered every weekend at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville at 1130 8th Avenue South. For more information, visit or call the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation at 615-687-4600.