Tennessee celebration of International Human Rights Day will take place on
December 7th this year at the John Seigenthaler Center.
the past decade, Tennessee has held events each year to observe International
Human Rights Day, and since 2014, the event has been held at the First
Amendment Center, inside the John Seigenthaler Center in Nashville, Tenn.
you’re reading about fair housing, racial disparities or gender equality, these
are all human rights issues. The Tennessee Celebration of Human Rights Day
brings attention and awareness to key topics, and uplifts human rights leaders
who deserve recognition for their accomplishments.
Rights Day celebrates the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations, originally signed on Dec 10, 1948. It is
always an event with a message of hope for the future, respect for the past,
and looking at what it will take to change human rights abuses in the present.
our intention to foster hope for new generations while celebrating the strides
we’ve made,” says planning committee chair Rev. Brian Fesler, pastor of the
Church of Scientology. The celebration is set for December 7, 2017.
celebration centers around the Human Rights Lifetime Achievement awards, the
Rising Advocate Awards, and the Outstanding Service Award.
committee plans to feature many different human rights organizations during
this year’s celebration, especially government agencies and non-profit
organizations in Tennessee that have commitments to some part of the thirty
rights as laid out in the UDHR. Organizations who wish to participate in the
planning may contact the organizer through